- Don't eat pringles after a night out. You'll feel sick. I tried - twice. And don't eat pringles in the night anyway. You'll feel sick.
- Don't try to upload photos on facebook in the evening or during the night. You're going to be tired and easily pissed off. And pissed off you will most likely become, since your first upload attempt (that's taken for over an hour at least) will fail with 98% certainty..
- Don't eat when you're pissed off, you'll feel even more ugly and fat than you already do.
- Write down where you've put your foreign sim-card when you can still remember it. It helps if you remember where you wrote it down.
- Always make sure there's food in the fridge which doesn't require using the microwave when preparing. Otherwise you'll end up hungry during the night in this house.
- Vodka is your best friend.
Serves all needs.
p.s. Here's the waffles i made last week.
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