Despite feeling sick, i've still had quite a nice 18th birthday today. I baked a cake with Minna yesterday, and I don't actually know if 'baked is the correct verb since it was a non-baked cake. But anyway, felt like making something out of oranges and chocolate so went for the orange-chocolate cheesecake. The recipe was for a lime one but personally I prefer orange.

Dad thought it was probably the best cheesecake he could remember tasting. I thought it was good too.
I felt a bit useless today so I thought I'd finish the drawing I'd started last Tuesday. The colours don't really show well in the photo, it's doesn't really look quite this shit. Or maybe it does.

Not my best drawing ever, I haven't drawn anything in two years except one small picture of strawberries a year ago. But I decided to get my skills back, so now i'm going to draw and paint or else I'll just feel stupid.
I'll update this post later to show off my lovely b-day presents I got this year. Judging from them, you could say I'm an alcoholic Disney-fan..